Further reading

Links to more articles, reports and datasets for those who want to dig deeper into food and the environment.


The Plotline
Chickens in the United States are raised in factory farms called concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Explore where they are using this tool.


Our World In Data
A comprehensive overview of the environmental impacts of food production, including a series of articles and data explorers.
Nature Journal


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
On climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security.
World Resources Institute
A 2016 report about how shifting diets can reduce agriculture’s pressure on the environment


Our World In Data
How does the impact of what you eat compare to where it's come from?
Our World In Data
Explore the land use, carbon, and water footprints of food products.
US Deptartment of Agriculture
The USDA's food and nutrient database.
Food and Agriculture Organization
A broad database on food, agriculture, economics, and land use.